Sparkling Snow in Sagittarius - The First Snow Hike of the Season with Cardamom
The cold was biting us with every step as the Sun was lazily making its sojourn in the chill-kissed sky. There, above us, loomed Buffalo Peak with its hidden snow and frozen North face.
We carefully made our way up Little Rock Canyon. Every breath was like my first in this world, with a startling freshness that invigorated each step. There were traces of snow and ice as we climbed, so we took it very slow.
Mika seemed right at home in the snow
The fresh morning air at 20 degrees reminded me of the refreshing aroma of cardamom, which is an invigorating oil that invites mental clarity. The mental clarity we all seek during Sagittarius season as we re-evaluate our focus, direction, and soul orientation. This time of year invites us to look outward by looking inward. Are we wandering aimlessly? Or are we hastening towards a soul purpose that we are aligning with? Cardamom can also help us with emotional clarity by shining a light on the emotions that we may have taken on from others and are not our own. We can then release those emotions to invite healing. Cardamom is associated with the fire element and is therefore right at home in the the mutable fire of Sagittarius.
Some of my favorite Cardamom blends are our shower steamers and lip balms.
Mika looks a little uncertain as we reached the pines at 7,000 feet
And now the path narrows and becomes more overgrown, so our direction is now dictated more firmly by the plants and ice and snow beneath our feet. We move even more slowly, one by one cuts and bruises appear but the fierce cold has rendered us oblivious to the feeling.
At last! We emerge from the darkness of the couloir to see the grandiosity of Cascade before us and the Sun thaws us both. I look down to see a bloodstained sleeve, and Mika is nursing a small scratch on her leg. A small price to pay for the thrill of wandering and freedom this Sagittarius season.
We summit amongst the circle of 6 guardians who protect the gateway to this beautiful peak. We bow in greeting to them, acknowledging their wisdom and power. The snow is 6 inches deep, but we no longer feel the cold as we are exhilarated by the incredible climb.
This Sagittarius season, what spiritual practice can you alchemize to more closely align with your Soul Purpose? As you evaluate your direction, are there any course corrections that you need to make? Are you still pointed where you need to go?